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Finding insurance to travel around the world is definitely not the most exciting preparation and one might even wonder what its usefulness is. However, traveling around the world exposes us to multiple risks such as medical emergencies, theft, damage to other people's property or accidents. These risks can lead to unforeseen expenses which , when added together, can constitute amounts that are difficult to cover without assistance.

When nothing happens to us, we don't think of the worst and fortunately, but imagine having a health problem or a serious accident in a country where even basic care is not guaranteed. You will then need to be transferred to a third country or even think about repatriation to your country of origin to receive appropriate treatment. Travel insurance provides financial protection against these unforeseen circumstances, allowing you to deal with emergencies without having to pay large sums of money.

Additionally, in some countries it is compulsory to be insured and require proof of travel insurance for entry into their territory, particularly due to the potential load on local systems in the event of an emergency.

Why did we choose to be insured?

In this article, we address different topics and questions in order to define whether or not you need to be insured when traveling.

We decided to be insured with GOBYAVA so that it protects our finances, helps us in the event of health problems, so that we can practice our extreme sports with peace of mind and explore the world more peacefully. In addition to that, we realized that it was not necessary to break the bank to protect your back. There are many insurance policies that offer very affordable value for money.

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How to choose insurance?

Choosing the right insurance for a trip around the world requires careful consideration of your travel needs and preferences . Here are some things that can help you choose the type of insurance coverage you need based on:

  • Of your age

  • People who are traveling (some insurance companies offer discounts for couples or families)

  • The duration of your trip

  • From your destinations

  • Activities you do

  • Pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Whether the insurance is taken as complementary or as basic insurance

  • Insurance reputation

  • Coverage options

Keep insurance from your country of origin or take out travel insurance?


When you have insurance in your country of origin, because you have decided to take out insurance for your daily life, because it is part of social security or because it is compulsory, you can be interesting to keep these insurances for traveling. This is particularly true when taking short trips, as these insurances are often more expensive than travel insurance found on the market.

In the case of a trip over a long period, first franc insurance (certain travel insurance) is often the most financially advantageous solution. In fact, this type of insurance covers one hundred percent of your medical expenses abroad, sometimes even in your country of origin (excluding exclusions or limits set by the insurance), and allows you not to have to doubly insured.

Important details to consider before taking out insurance?

When preparing to take out insurance, it is important to consider the coverage options, what are the ceilings (the maximum amount that the insurance will pay), are there any deductibles (repatriation of costs you should pay out of pocket) and what the exclusions are. All this information is described in the general insurance conditions.


No insurance protects you against all risks. So they offer coverage options that define what costs they cover. Among these options we find in particular:

  • Civil liability (RC)

  • Risky sports

  • Support services

  • Medical costs (in the countries visited and/or in the country of origin)

  • Search and rescue costs

  • Repatriation

  • Cancellation fees


All the insurances that we considered to accompany us on our long-term trip mentioned situations in which we would not be covered. In particular, we found the following exclusions:

  • damage resulting from driving a motor vehicle:

  • pre-existing illnesses or claims: (ill before applying for new insurance)

  • Risky sports

  • CR in the context of paid or unpaid work.

  • Vaccines

  • Some countries are not covered by all insurances (e.g. Iran)


What travel insurance have we chosen? Are our extreme sports covered?

After comparing several travel insurance policies, we finally made our choice. We chose the ADVANTURE HEALTH PLAN at GOBYAVA with the additional AVA SPORT+ option. Here are some of the reasons that motivated our choice:

  • The price/service ratio

  • The possibility of coverage for “risky” sports

From the start, we wanted to orient our trip around our passions. Very quickly, we realized that practicing our sports around the world quite complicated our research in terms of insurance. Some insurance companies offer an option for practicing so-called “adventure” or “extreme” sports (off-piste skiing, mountaineering, diving, kite surfing, etc.). However, often when we read the general insurance conditions we found exclusions which limited the practice of such activities.

We found the combo that suits us at GOBYAVA with the ADVANTURE HEALTH PLAN cover and the AVA S PORT+ extension.


If you are also interested in the insurance offered by GOBYAVA , then do not hesitate to contact them or visit their website.

However, if after reading this article you still have questions about it, here are some links that might help you.

Tourdumondiste also offers an in-depth article on the issue of travel insurance. This even includes a comparison of the main insurances on the market.

If, like us, you are Swiss and you no longer want to be affiliated with LAMAL, but you don't know how to do it, then novo-monde and happy-riders have articles that might be able to guide you.

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